Student Mentoring – UWE and AUB
As part of the innovative RIBA Student Mentoring scheme organised by the team at RIBA South West Forge Design Studio have been hosting students from Year 3 of the Architecture Course at University of the West of England.We will be holding 3 sessions, with the first two being held in the studio. David, Petra and Olympia have had the chance to meet the team and to gain a greater understanding of the office procedures and working practices.
Loretta has been showing them a number of projects and they’ve had the chance to exercise their knowledge in a number of real life scenarios which we have set .
Also joining us has been Simone Ulyate a second year student from Arts University Bournemouth studying Interior Architecture and Design. Simone will be with us for 10 weeks and has already settled in well. She has worked on the North Brook End House application and has been actively involved in co-ordinating the application.
The photographs show part of the initiation ceremony which all visitors to the office have to endure ……. the traditional communal lunch!!